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Showing posts from January, 2022

Metals and Non-metals class 6

Metals and Nonmetals Metal and Non-metals     5. Answer the following questions:  a. What are metals? Write down any four properties of metals with examples.  → The element which are good conductor of heat and electricity, malleable, ductile, lustrous and hard, etc. are called metal.   For examples: iron, gold, silver, aluminium, copper, sodium, etc. Four properties of metal are:  1. Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity.  2.Metals are usually hard.  3.Metals are sonorous.  4. Metal are ductile. b.Why is copper widely used to make electric wire? Ans: Because copper have more electrical conductivity then other metal. c. Write two properties of gold that make it good for use as jewellery. Ans: Properties of gold are:    1. It is shiny and attractive.    2. It is rust free. d. Discuss in short about the two properties of metal on the basis of which cooking utensils are made from them.  e. Write down any two properties of non-metal with an application of each. Ans: Two propert